
The Missing Key  to Your Marketing Mix: Finding the Right Clients

​Only Available for 48 Hours!


​Plan Your Next Year of Marketing with One Easy Framework

​Connect with your audience for more community, sales and growth...even if you're starting from nothing


Never wonder about ​what to write or do ​for your marketing again

As a freelancer, you wear all the hats. Bookkeeper. Sales Specialist. ​Customer Service. Social Media Manager. It's hard to find the find the time to do your ​actual job...much less to ​create your own marketing.

You know how important marketing is to maintain a steady stream of new clients as a freelancer.

But too often, you just don’t have the time.

There are so many other things you need to be doing, that marketing falls to the bottom of your list.

You push writing those emails to another day.

You swear you’ll test your new automation software for social media tomorrow.

You’ll get that blog post finished as soon as you finish this really big project.

The truth is…there’s always something else that needs  to be done.

And even if you set aside the time to do your marketing, often the same thing happens each time.

​You sit down, ready to concentrate….

And you don’t know what to work on!

Do you need to write more emails?

Is the topic you want to cover useful for your current and future clients?

What should you be creating the next blog post on?

Suddenly, your carefully selected time to work on marketing is wasted staring at a blank screen or going down the “research rabbit hole”…

Where you focus all of your attention on finding the exact right topic that your slot fills up fast.

It doesn’t need to be this way...

​Know Exactly What Comes Next

What if…

More clients came to you?

Sales calls were easier because people already know, like and trust you?

You were seen as an expert in your field?

All because the marketing you created spoke to the exact right client for you.

You wouldn't question what you needed to create next or what channel to use. The next time you sat down to do your marketing, you knew exactly what you were going to do.

Even if you hadn’t thought about marketing yourself in the last month…

​When it came time to sit down all you’d need to do is pull up a simple document and have your next steps right in front of you.

How much time would that save you?

What would that steady stream of leads mean for your business?

NO more rushing to find a perfect topic.

NO more wondering if you should invest in yet another marketing channel…because you know exactly where to focus your attention and what to ignore.

You’ll even know what topics to cover.

You’ll know where your focus needs to be and what channels you should be using.

Whether you sit down once a day, once a week or once a month…you’ll have a clear plan for what to work on.

Even better, you’ll know the marketing you are working on will speak directly to your ideal clients.

No more second guessing yourself. A clear plan of what to work on, where to focus your attention, all while knowing you are speaking directly to your ideal clients.

What would that do for your peace of mind?

Introducing Audience Conversion Method Live

​A framework that lets you plan out your next year’s worth of marketing, and answers how to move forward each time you need to create something new.

This live training walks you through the framework and allows you to get all your questions answered about your particular business. No guesswork. Just a solid plan to finally get your marketing done.

Special offer! Enroll now and get a ​50% discount as an attendee of the Week of Productivity!

Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up

Get step-by-step guidance of a marketing framework you can use for the next year...and beyond. This ​exclusive training used to only be available to private clients. It's been at the heart of every marketing campaign I've created.

​I've helped my clients achieve the goals they wanted, like:

​Up to 36% conversion rate on landing pages...

The first ever 6-figure launch for a $200 course...

Up to %80 open rate on a welcome series...

...and so much more!

​When you finish the course, you'll have a solid idea of your next 12 months of marketing that will bring in more of the right leads. Deliver the right message at the right time to the right people.

​4 Weeks of Live Training

​We'll walk through each part of the Audience Conversion Method and do live feedback each week.

​Unlimited Email Support

​Ask any questions about the framework, course or marketing. I will answer within 2 business days.

​Weekly Worksheets

​Apply the lessons each week directly to your own business to create your marketing plan.

​12-Month Marketing Plan

​At the end of the course, you'll have a complete strategy and schedule for your next 12 months of marketing.

Here’s what people are saying about the Audience Conversion Method

​In this course you'll...

​...have four weeks to build your next 12 months of marketing and beyond.


Week 1: Identify Your Audience

​In this live class, we'll dive into what an "audience" is, how to use it effectively, common myths and mistakes when creating your audience and how to craft a detailed description of your future clients.


​Week 2: Explore the Ask

​In this live class, we'll apply the material from week one and dive into the second step in the Audience Conversion Method. We'll walk through a detailed exercise to determine your topics for your marketing. Each will be based on your own individual goals and what you want to achieve in the next 12 months.


​Week 3: Create the Customer Journey

​In week 3, we combine your lessons from the first two weeks to develop a clear customer journey and experience for your ideal clients. You'll discover how to build a community, increase conversions and opportunties for growing with your marketing.


​Week 4: Develop Your Yearlong Plan

​In Week 4 we'll combine all of your work to create a detailed, 12-month marketing plan. You'll know exactly what topics to cover, what channels to use and how you'll complete everything with this detailed strategy. Each part is designed to bring in the right clients for your business goals.


​Fast Action Bonus!

This is the first chance anyone will get to dive into the Audience Conversion Method on a live training. I may not ever offer this class live with all of the support again!

​Marketing frameworks only work when you use them. To help you get the most of your class, the first 5 people to enroll for this session will receive a 1-on-1 consultation with me after you've developed your marketing strategy. We'll dive deep into your goals and get you the most benefit from the framework. ​

​My usual charge for these individual, customized consultations is $500. As an early action taker, you'll get this invaluable bonus for FREE.

About The Course Teacher,
​Kimberly Weitkamp

​Kimberly Weitkamp is a successful marketing strategist and conversion copywriter.

As a marketing strategist, she noticed her clients made their marketing
complicated and didn’t have a real plan for results. She developed the
Audience Conversion Method to help entrepreneurs convert their audience from strangers to loyal fans.

Kimberly works with her clients to attract, build and grow an engaged audience to create long-term customers through email marketing, conversion copywriting and storytelling.

​She’s also the host of the Audience Converter Podcast and co-host of
Chatting with Copywriters.

​Audience COnversion Method Live

​Create a 12-month marketing strategy, tailored to your business

Here’s what people say about working with Kimberly

​Sabine Sponsel

​Owner, BetterLife-50Plus

​Makes your copy sound like a friend!

​I read all your emails today and I really LOVE your work! It sounds as I if I was a friend and you describe complex things in an easy way for everybody to understand.

​Kim Krause Schwalm

​A-List Copywriter and Editor, Girls on Fire

​Make even your vaguest ideas crystal clear

​“Kimberly is like a brilliant shining light bulb in a pitch-black room, making even your vaguest ideas crystal clear…”

​Christine Kloser

​USA Today & Wall Street Journal bestselling

​If you're unsure how to "do" marketing

​“If you are unsure of how to “do” social media or marketing right, I highly recommend you talk with Kimberly!.”

​Trial and Error is the Most Expensive Form of Marketing

The Audience Conversion Method is based on over 4 years as a copywriter in highly competitive industries with long, drawn-out sales cycles. Previously, I've only offered it as part of working with me directly on a project, for a minimum of $2000. I've never taught the method in its entirety like I will in this class.

You have two choices.


You could continue on the path you're on. Creating marketing "when you have time," falling into the feast or famine cycle of freelancing and struggling to create your marketing without a solid plan.

You can continue to wonder about questions like, "Should I be on Facebook?" "Do I need to start a podcast?" "Is blogging still relevant?"  and focus your attention on logistics instead of creating marketing that works.

Or, you can cut the learning curve. Create a plan that will let you create the marketing you need based on your schedule and your audience. Bring in the right people at the right time who want to become your clients.

You'll know exactly what you'll do for marketing for the next year and save hours of time "falling down the rabbit hole" wondering what you should be doing.

You can create your own detailed strategy for a fraction of the cost.​

​The next session opens soon, and I'm limiting the number of students to 20. Grab your spot now.

​Enroll now by clicking the button below.

​Audience COnversion Method Live

​Create a 12-month marketing strategy, tailored to your business



  • Lifetime Access
  • ​4 weeks of live sessions
  • ​4 weeks of unlimited email support
  • Craft a 12-month marketing plan
  • OR a 3-Pay Option when you click below and choose 3-Pay

​Time is running out to grab your spot!

Frequently Asked Questions

​How long are the trainings?​

​What happens if I can't attend live? 

​How long do I have access to the course?​

​Is there a money-back guarantee? 

​Audience COnversion Method Live

​Create a 12-month marketing strategy, tailored to your business



  • Lifetime Access
  • ​4 weeks of live sessions
  • ​4 weeks of unlimited email support
  • Weekly worksheets
  • Craft a 12-month marketing plan
  • OR a 3-Pay Option, when you Choose 3-Pay

​Let's Get Your Marketing Done

​I know exactly what's it like...

​ constantly put client work ahead of your own...

​ struggle with finding the time to get your marketing done... 

​ wonder if what you're creating will ​produce a steady stream of leads..

I know because I was just like you. I created this system for my own business and my own clients to help them with their struggles.

​​Join me in this live class by clicking the button below.  Finally, get clarity on what to do, when to do it, and how to do it when it comes to your marketing.

The Audience Converter

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