
Join the Audience Conversion Method Live

Replay-Marketing that Converts

Convert Your Audience from Strangers to

Loyal Fans with a Marketing Plan that Converts

Follow this step-by-step method for attracting steady, ideal client leads WITHOUT the stress, headaches and uncertainty of, “What do I do next for my marketing?"

This framework doesn’t require you to learn yet another marketing channel. And you won’t waste hours a day, every day, trying to guess if your marketing will bring in steady leads. Once your strategy is created, you can get your marketing in place in as little as an hour a week!

Course Enrollment closes on September 14 at Midnight, Central.


Are you a community leader, coach or course creator who feels like you’re constantly in “client-search mode”?

When you started your business, you couldn’t turn around without hearing about another person who wakes up to the ‘sweet sounds of PayPal notifications filling their bank account’…

Or there was another ‘overnight success’ who harnessed the power of this must-use marketing channel that has people clamoring at your door…

You tried a few of those…and none seemed to work. What is it about these people who are bringing in all the cash and clients…and you seem to struggle with turning a profit?

The reality is…

Every day, HUNDREDS of your best clients are desperately searching online with the slim hope there is someone out there that can help solve their problems. That’s you.

Question is: Are they finding you?

It doesn’t matter if you’ve created the most definitive online course to solve their problems or have the best transformational group program or service out there…the success of your business relies on your answer to that question!

If you are tired of being stuck in the old “constantly searching for clients mode” and want to bring in steady streams of leads and clients…

Or you’re not connecting with people who are ecstatic to find you and hand over their credit card to work with you every day…

Or your energy is so drained after trying to figure out the “marketing” thing that you have nothing left to give to your clients who came to you for help in the first place…

Then Keep Reading…

This could EASILY be the one of those “Eureka!” moments you look back on a few weeks from now when your stress levels are down, your steady stream of leads is creeping up

People who are eager to hear from you, respond to you and buy from you…

But First…

Tired of Marketing…That Doesn’t Work?

Let me know if this sounds familiar…

It always seems like you’re just “one new method or platform away” from success. You’ve followed all of the “best” advice out there…

You used the blueprints…

You followed the exact process the guru told you to use…even though it seemed insanely complicated, used a ton of resources you didn’t have and you still had to outsource key parts because you’re one person and can’t do it all.

You did the steps…but you don't have a steady stream of leads. 

You’ve done nothing wrong. You followed the steps…but there’s something missing in these ‘channel-first’ approaches to marketing.

I was where you are…

As a new copywriter and marketing strategist…all I heard about was the ONE channel you had to be using.

I dedicated so much time to it…

I read all of the latest and greatest ‘hacks’ on how to make it work for you…

I learned about algorithms and how they can ‘work for me’…

But I didn’t see progress.

It didn’t matter which channel I used…it could’ve been blogging, or Facebook, or LinkedIn, or Quora questions…

At the end of the day, I was spending hours and hours on marketing myself…with little to show for it.

I realized I wasn’t alone. So many people I talked with were taking the same approach…

Logistics First Marketing

That's what I call marketing that focuses on the channel and the method…and you forget about the purpose of your marketing.

Marketing is useless if it doesn’t do one thing…bring in new clients.

While the gurus and the ‘best new must-use channel’ talk about growing your followers, or your list size, or your listenership…

 At the end of the day what matters is if people go from being strangers in your community…to loyal fans.

The 3 Reasons You’re Still Stuck in the Stressful and Overwhelming 'Guess Mode' for Your Marketing

Reason #1: You’re Focused on Vanity Metrics…and Not on Converting Your Audience

Let me guess:

You started your business and began wandering into the world of online marketing. You read an article here and watched a video there and pretty quickly stumbled upon a “must-use” marketing channel.

Clearly…that’s where all the success happens for people! It doesn’t matter if it’s Instagram, of Facebook Groups or LinkedIn Connections…

It seems the only way to be successful as a community leader and grow a following of people eager to work with you long-term is if you dedicate hours and hours to a vanity metric.

But a few milestones later (I have 100 members…I have 500 subscribers…I have 2000 downloads!) You’ve got a lot of expenses

Some fancy videos, landing pages and killer presentations….

You’re also stressed out beyond belief and wondering when the “entrepreneurial lifestyle” will ever become a reality and you won’t be working until 10pm.

You got lost in the promise of all.the.things.

You created all of these amazing marketing assets…but don’t have a real plan to use them to take your clients from “Who are you?” to “I want to work with you!”

Every marketing channel has it’s place. In fact, I’m a big believer in using more than one channel to reach out to your ideal people.

But it’s in knowing the right way to use these marketing strategies…and ditching the logistics-first mode that allows you to grow your stream of leads steadily.

What you need:

A clear “guesswork alternative” that showcases a step-by-step plan for building up steady leads…without all of the stress.

Reason #2: You’re Focused on the Tasks and NOT Your Audience

At any one time, only about 3% of your ideal people are looking to buy. How are you reaching them? How are you reaching the other 97% to convert them into the 3%?

Why bounce between a dozen different channels where you never really get to know your audience to fuel your whole business?

Logistics-first marketing…like I’m going Live in Facebook once a week or I’m emailing my list daily…

Doesn’t give you a strategy. It gives you a series of actions to take…and leaves you scrambling for ideas.

At the end of the day, it may bring in a few new leads…but they’re not necessarily the right leads…

People buy from people they like…and building the ‘know, like and trust factor’ takes time.

What you need:

An easy-to-follow strategy that lays out how to get in front of the right people at the right time with the right message…instead of forcing others to reach the right stage at warp speed.

Reason #3: Time is Not Your Friend

Have you found yourself scrambling to get a ton of marketing done in a short period of time because that’s what the logistics says (Oh, I need another 4 videos for YouTube by tomorrow!)

…and then ditching the material…never to be seen again?

You can find the time to do your marketing…and it doesn’t have to be in a short spurt that drains you of energy and money.

Bringing in a steady stream of leads…and converting them…has to do with regular connection between you and your audience.

And when you do it steadily…you create a community that is engaged, eager to promote you and buy from you for a long time.

What you need:

A consistent marketing strategy that focuses on both building the right audience and converting your audience on a regular basis.

Never wonder about what to write or do to bring in steady leads again...

You know how important marketing is to maintain a steady stream of new clients.

But too often, you just don’t have the time.

There are so many other things you need to be doing, that marketing falls to the bottom of your list.

You swear you’ll test your new automation software for social media tomorrow...

You push writing those emails to another day...

You’ll get that blog post finished as soon as you finish this really big project...

The truth is…there’s always something else that needs  to be done.

And even if you set aside the time to do your marketing, often the same thing happens each time.

You sit down, ready to concentrate….

And you don’t know what to work on!

Do you need to write more emails?

Is the topic you want to cover useful for your current and future clients?

What should you be creating the next blog post on?

Will any of these steps bring me NEW clients?

Suddenly, your carefully selected time to work on marketing is wasted staring at a blank screen or going down the “research rabbit hole”…

Where you focus all of your attention on finding the exact right topic that your slot fills up fast.

It doesn’t need to be this way...

Introducing Audience Conversion Method Live

A framework that lets you plan out your next year’s worth of marketing, and answers how to move forward each time you need to create something new.

This live training walks you through the framework and allows you to get all your questions answered about your particular business. No guesswork. Just a solid plan to finally get your marketing done.

Stop wondering, "What am I supposed to do?!?!?" or "Will this actually bring in new leads?" the next time you face a 'logistics' deadline. (Time to Go Live again!)

Ditch the stress and guesswork. Create a marketing strategy that focuses on building and converting your audience . 

Special offer! Enroll now for the Exclusive September of 2020 Class.

Inside The Audience Conversion Method Live

The Audience Conversion Method Live is a complete marketing framework and program created to take the guesswork out of your own marketing. It’s designed to give you an ‘at-a-glance’ look at what to do next for your marketing…and never lose time staring at a blank page wondering, “What do I do?

It’s built not only for for community leaders who struggle to bring in the right people...

But for coaches, consultants, course creators, and ANYONE who wants to regularly get in front of their best clients, build a community and increase conversions.

3 Ways The Audience Conversion Method Live Makes Your Next YEAR of Marketing a Breeze

4 Live Trainings that introduce in full detail the “Audience Conversion Method”, and how to use an audience-first approach to marketing to attract, build and grow a community of long-term fans.  

Conversion-Focused Marketing Hacks breaking down every trick and tool you need to put your marketing in place. Take the ‘guesswork’ out of what to work on next.

You’ll learn exactly how to connect with your best clients…and the tactics NOT to use. Create marketing that is easy for you and doesn’t make you feel like a sleazy used-car salesman.

Marketing Calendar Templates. Simple “plug ’n’ play” breakdowns to give you an ‘at-a-glance’ look at what’s coming next for your marketing. Easily organize any needed content, links, images, videos, etc so all you need to do is follow what is in the box on the day.

Add your OWN topics, channels, and popular resources to these templates with the information you create while going through the course. At the end, a 12-month plan is in place, ready to use.

Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up

Often, my clients would come to me with a goal like, "I want to create YouTube scripts." BUT, they didn't know how this would help them connect with new clients. They didn't have a strategy in place.

 Get step-by-step guidance of a marketing framework you can use for the next year...and beyond. This exclusive training used to only be available to private clients. It's been at the heart of every marketing campaign I've created.

I've helped my clients achieve the goals they wanted, like:

Up to 36% conversion rate on landing pages...

The first ever 6-figure launch for a $200 course...

Up to 80% open rate on a welcome series...

...and so much more!

When you finish the course, you'll have a solid idea of your next 12 months of marketing that will bring in more of the right leads. Deliver the right message at the right time to the right people.

4 Weeks of Live Training

We'll walk through each part of the Audience Conversion Method and do live feedback each week.

Unlimited Email Support

Ask any questions about the framework, course or marketing. I will answer within 2 business days.

Weekly Worksheets

Apply the lessons each week directly to your own business to create your marketing plan.

12-Month Marketing Plan

At the end of the course, you'll have a complete strategy and schedule for your next 12 months of marketing.

In this course you'll...

...have four weeks to build your next 12 months of marketing and beyond.


Week 1: Identify Your Audience

In this live class, we'll dive into what an "audience" is, how to use it effectively, common myths and mistakes when creating your audience and how to craft a detailed description of your future clients.


Week 2: Explore the Ask

In this live class, we'll apply the material from week one and dive into the second step in the Audience Conversion Method. We'll walk through a detailed exercise to determine your topics for your marketing. Each will be based on your own individual goals and what you want to achieve in the next 12 months.


Week 3: Create the Customer Journey

In week 3, we combine your lessons from the first two weeks to develop a clear customer journey and experience for your ideal clients. You'll discover how to build a community, increase conversions and opportunities for growing with your marketing.


Week 4: Develop Your Yearlong Plan and Take Action

In Week 4 we'll combine all of your work to create a detailed, 12-month marketing plan. You'll know exactly what topics to cover, what channels to use and how you'll complete everything with this detailed strategy. Each part is designed to bring in the right clients for your business goals.

Here’s what people are saying about the Audience Conversion Method

What's Does Marketing Plan Mean?

Only the most complete breakdown of exactly what you need to do, each week, to bring in qualified leads to your business!

When you join us, here’s what you walk away with for your next 12-month Marketing Plan:

Who Am I Talking To?

Ever get the feeling you can ‘help’ everyone? It’s tempting, but the reality is when you try to please everyone, you please no one. And that’s the truth for your business too! Plus, people expect personalized marketing nowadays..after we’ve been spoiled by Netflix and Spotify.

It’s hard to create personalize marketing for ‘everyone!’

In week 1, we define your ideal clients. And I don’t mean something boring like women between 25 and 50. We cover all the questions to ask to really discover your biggest opportunities…and who you shouldn’t spend your time on. You’ll have your top Amateur Audience, Active Audience and Avid Audience spelled out!

What should I talk about?

A complete list of the topics you’re covering in your marketing, for the next 12 months! Never sit down to write an email or create a social media post and wonder, “What am I writing about?” Instead, know exactly what topics you’re talking about…for the next 52 weeks!

Where do I spend my time?

Should you be on Facebook? Twitter? Reddit? Tumblr? Do you know all of these places?

Have no fear! We’ll break down the best use of your time and where you should be spending it. Know which channels to use…and which ones to avoid.

HOW am I going to get this DONE?

This is the questions I always get. Knowing exactly what you need to cover and where to spend your time is great…but then life happens.

How on earth can you actually get it all done?

That’s why Week 4 is focused completely on creating your SCHEDULE. You’ll have a template to get you started and then, taking everything you’ve learned over the previous weeks, you plug it all in.

The Audience Conversion Method Toolkit

There’s having a plan…and then there’s putting it into action! Inside this course, you’ll have everything you need to make sure your marketing is easy to do and gets done!

I’ll be sharing my bag of copywriting and marketing tricks to make it as easy as possible to get your marketing in place (in as little time as possible).

This includes things like:

How to Create Your Next 5 Pieces of Content…Just By Talking

We’ll cover this ninja method on a live call and break it down, step-by-step.

Your 20-Minute Social Plan

How to make the most of any social media channel in 20 minutes day…so you have plenty of time to focus on what you do best.

The Scheduling Hacks Collection

I share my daily routine for getting more done in less time, including a magical 2 hour strategy that works wonders.

How to Create 12-Month Social Media Campaigns…with the Click of a Button

Discover how to easily create months of social media content…and when to use it for best effect.

…and so much more.

Everything You Need

After you finish this course, you have everything you need to tackle your marketing head on. Ditch the questions like, “What should I be doing?” “Where should I be focusing?” and “How am I going to get this done?”

You can always refer back to the trainings as you have lifetime access to the recordings. Bring them out every year to plan your next 12 months! Stop wondering how you can bring in steady, qualified leads and build a community around what you do.

As an entrepreneur myself, I know how difficult it can be to get your own marketing done. I want to help as many fellow entrepreneurs as possible build their dream business and life.

That’s why I’m not stopping at helping you co-create a detailed strategy for bringing in a steady stream of leads, ditching the stressful launch model and building a community of loyal fans.

I’m also going to help you “crack the code” on the top marketing platforms.


Bonus #1: Live Q&A Every Week:

Each week, you’ll receive live training on the Audience Conversion Method and how to use it for your business. Each session will have a dedicated segment for Q&A. Can’t make the live calls? You can email your questions in advance and I’ll switch between live and pre-submitted calls. (Value $1997)

Bonus #2: Private Facebook Support Group:

This exclusive student-only group is the perfect place to ask for feedback, track your progress, or find an accountability partner! Your fellow students are planning out their strategies as well and there’s no one more motivated than a fellow student. You may even find some of your ideal clients. PLUS, I will regularly be dropping in to answer your questions. (Value $197)

Bonus #3: YouTube Growth 101:

Is YouTube where your people hang out? Love recording videos…but not sure how to make the most of them? My goal with this course is to give you all the resources you need to make your regular marketing a breeze.

Victoria Vives Khuong is the international bestselling author of “In a Matter of Seconds” and an entrepreneur just like YOU. She helps thousands of women around the world to access greater fulfillment in their lives and helps others do the same through energy healing, spirituality and Divine Sexuality. She’s also grown her YouTube channels to over 6 million views and over 10,000 subscribers!

You'll gain access to an exclusive workshop Victoria hosted on how to use YouTube. Discover hacks so the YouTube algorithm loves you, the equipment needed to get started and how to grow your followers and connect with your target audience. (Value $97)

Bonus #4: Facebook and Instagram Growth 101:

YouTube isn’t the only marketing channel to choose from! Half the world is on Facebook and Instagram’s growth and engagement keeps growing. Facebook or Instagram are a great place for many people to start their marketing because they already use it!

Discover how one health and wellness company grew their following by leaps and bounds and generated revenue during the last few months! In this exclusive workshop recording, discover the basics of Instagram for your business, how to build real connections on Facebook and so much more!(Value $97)

Bonus #5: The 6 Funnels to Explode Your Business...and what to include

With your marekting strategy in hand, you're going to attract highly qualified leads to your business. How do you convert them into your audience?

Monika Mileva is a funnel building expert. In this exclusive workshop, she breaks down the top funnels to use in your business, how to set it up and all your basic questions answered!

(Value $297)

Join the Fall of 2020 Class

I've charged over $2000 for my private clients to create their marketing plans. A single strategy session with me is $500...and you'd earn a high ROI on that. The live training alone is worth $1997.  You're also getting access to over $2000 in bonuses and private access to me to guide you along the way.

And when you join for the exclusive Fall of 2020 Class...you'll only pay $997!

About The Course Teacher,
Kimberly Weitkamp

Kimberly Weitkamp is a successful marketing strategist and conversion copywriter.

As a marketing strategist, she noticed her clients made their marketing
complicated and didn’t have a real plan for results. She developed the
Audience Conversion Method to help entrepreneurs convert their audience from strangers to loyal fans.

Kimberly works with her clients to attract, build and grow an engaged audience to create long-term customers through email marketing, conversion copywriting and storytelling.

She’s also the host of the Audience Converter Podcast and co-host of
Chatting with Copywriters.

Audience COnversion Method Live

Create a 12-month marketing strategy, tailored to your business

Here’s what people say about working with Kimberly

Sabine Sponsel

Owner, BetterLife-50Plus

Makes your copy sound like a friend!

I read all your emails today and I really LOVE your work! It sounds as I if I was a friend and you describe complex things in an easy way for everybody to understand.

Kim Krause Schwalm

A-List Copywriter and Editor, Girls on Fire

Make even your vaguest ideas crystal clear

“Kimberly is like a brilliant shining light bulb in a pitch-black room, making even your vaguest ideas crystal clear…”

Christine Kloser

USA Today & Wall Street Journal bestselling

If you're unsure how to "do" marketing

“If you are unsure of how to “do” social media or marketing right, I highly recommend you talk with Kimberly!.”

Trial and Error is the Most Expensive Form of Marketing

The Audience Conversion Method is based on over 4 years as a copywriter in highly competitive industries with long, drawn-out sales cycles. Previously, I've only offered it as part of working with me directly on a project, for a minimum of $2000. I've never taught the method in its entirety like I will in this class.

You have two choices.


You could continue on the path you're on. Creating marketing "when you have time," falling into the feast or famine cycle and struggling to create your marketing without a solid plan.

You can continue to wonder about questions like, "Should I be on Facebook?" "Do I need to start a podcast?" "Is blogging still relevant?"  and focus your attention on logistics instead of creating marketing that works.

Or, you can cut the learning curve. Create a plan that will let you create the marketing you need based on your schedule and your audience. Bring in the right people at the right time who want to become your clients.

You'll know exactly what you'll do for marketing for the next year and save hours of time "falling down the rabbit hole" wondering what you should be doing.

You can create your own detailed strategy for a fraction of the cost.

Class starts September 15 at 2 PM Central.

Enroll now by clicking the button below.

Audience COnversion Method Live

Create a 12-month marketing strategy, tailored to your business



  • Lifetime Access to the recordings
  • 4 weeks of live sessions
  • Weekly workbooks
  • 4 weeks of unlimited email support
  • Audience Conversion Method Toolkit
  • 12 Month Marketing Plan: Including Topics, Channels, And Schedule to Get It Done
  • Bonus #1: Live Q&A Each Week
  • Bonus #2: Private Facebook Group
  • Bonus #3: YouTube Growth 101
  • Bonus #4: Facebook and Instagram Growth 101
  • Bonus #5: 6 Funnels to Explode Your Business
  • OR a 3-Pay Option when you click below and choose 3-Pay

Course Enrollment closes at Midnight on September 14, 2020


Frequently Asked Questions

How long are the trainings?

What happens if I can't attend live? 

How long do I have access to the course?

Is there a money-back guarantee? 

Audience COnversion Method Live

Create a 12-month marketing strategy, tailored to your business



  • Lifetime Access
  • 4 weeks of live sessions
  • 4 weeks of unlimited email support
  • Weekly worksheets
  • Craft a 12-month marketing plan: Including Topics, Channels, And Schedule to Get It Done
  • Bonus #1: Live Q&A Calls Each Week
  • Bonus #2: Private Facebook Group
  • Bonus #3: YouTube Growth 101
  • Bonus #4: Facebook and Instagram Growth 1010
  • Bonus #5: 6 Funnels to Explode Your Business
  • OR a 3-Pay Option, when you Choose 3-Pay

Let's Get Your Marketing Done

I know exactly what's it like...

...to constantly put client work ahead of your own...

...to struggle with finding the time to get your marketing done... 

...to wonder if what you're creating will produce a steady stream of leads..

I know because I was just like you. I created this system for my own business and my own clients to help them with their struggles.

Join me in this live class by clicking the button below.  Finally, get clarity on what to do, when to do it, and how to do it when it comes to your marketing.

The Audience Converter

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